Certificate Verification


Online College Courses


Open Courses
Courses marked as “Open” are freely available to the public. (CSUNY)’s
Mission and Vision are founded upon the Declaration of Human Rights which specifies Education as a human right. (CSUNY) is doing its part by making learning materials, college courses, and academic research Publicly Accessible. Sharing knowledge is a vital component in the growth and advancement of our society in a sustainable and responsible way. Our vision is consistent with that of the Budapest Open Access Initiative and Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge and Education. More on the (CSUNY) Open Access Initiative.

Open Curriculum
(CSUNY)’s educational philosophy follows an open curriculum to truly address each student as an individual. In an Open Curriculum students first determine their individual strengths and weaknesses within the scope of their current work, taking into account future aspirations before choosing the optimal courses for their Academic Curriculum or Course List. Key considerations are market opportunities available within the intended major, industry, and geographic region. Participation within the world economy is no longer bound by geographic lines or your immediate surroundings as mirrored by (CSUNY) students some of who study thousands of miles away. Students are not limited to the courses below. None of these courses are required. During the first phase of the (CSUNY) program students may decide to include one or more of the courses below as part of their Academic Curriculum or Course List while utilizing the (CSUNY) online Library’s 108 million references, 16 million full text journals articles and periodicals, and 29,000 books to complement their learning materials.
More on Curriculum.

What is the difference between (CSUNY) students and students at traditional universities?
(CSUNY) programs are oriented toward the mid-career adult and working professional. Conversely, classroom universities are attracting the 18 to 21-year olds whose life goals and ambitions have yet to be established. This is true especially at the undergraduate level. (CSUNY) does no compete with such traditional schools. (CSUNY) students know who they are, know exactly what they want to do and are interested in a challenging and rewarding educational experience. For this reason, they are often more motivated than students at traditional universities. In addition, (CSUNY) students gain significant advantages from their professional experience. Not only are they able to draw from the knowledge they have developed throughout their career thus far, but they may apply earned credit for what they have already learned toward their program.

Media Industry (Open)
Business Communication (Open)
Business Ethics (Open)
Business Policy and Strategy (Open)
Business Statistics (Open)
Consuming Cultures (Open)
Cost Accounting (Open)
Credit Management (Open)
Economic Analysis (Open)
Essentials Of Finance (Open)
Economics of Health Care
Electronic Commerce (Open)
Financial Management (Open)
Human Resource Management (Open)
International Management (Open)
International Marketing (Open)
Introduction to Accounting (Open)
Introduction to Marketing (Open)
Microeconomics (Open)
Investment Management (Open)
Managing Costumer Service (Open)
Management Science: Optimization Methods (Open)
Marketing (Open)
Accounting (Open)
Management (Open)
Psychology (Open)
Public Sector Marketing (Open)
Quantitative Methods (Open)
Retail Management (Open)
Sociology and Organizations (Open)

All computer majors
Specialties hospitality and tourism
civil engineering
Electrical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Communications Engineering
Maintenance Engineering
All aviation discipline
Some medical specialties
Specialized education and training for people with special needs
Artificial Intelligence (Open)
Biology (Open)
Cell Matrix Mechanics (Open)
Circuits and Electronics (Open)
College Algebra (Open)
Electronic Commerce (Open)
Engineering Mechanics (Open)
Fundamentals of Math (Open)
Physics Classical Mechanics (Open)
Quantitative Methods (Open)
Statistics (Open)
Sustainable Energy (Open)
Thermodynamics of Materials (Open)
Anthropology of the Middle East (Open)
Consuming Cultures (Open)
Chinese Language (Open)
Economic Analysis (Open)
English: Intermediate Listening Speaking and Pronunciation (Open)
History: Trial in History (Open)
Law and Society (Open)
Political Marketing (Open)
Problems of Philosophy (Open)
Quantitative Methods (Open)
Sociology (Open)
Sociology and Organizations (Open)
Statistics (Open)
Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy (Open)

Note: The courses presented by (CSUNY) form part of the University’s Open Access Initiative seeking to eliminate the cost of Higher Education by making learning materials and research Publicly Accessible. Courses provided by other leading educational institutions are solely the responsibility of those institutions. (CSUNY) shares no responsibility in the content or creation, nor does this listing imply any relationship unless stated. Courses not market as "Open" are available at a cost of $450, earning students 3 credit hours that may be applied toward a degree program at (CSUNY).